As the digital age evolves, data science has emerged as one of the most critical fields for businesses across all industries. Data science employs a variety of instruments, scientific procedures, methods, and algorithms to glean insights from both structured and unstructured data. Businesses are increasingly relying on data science to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge by turning them into actionable insights.

The Certified Expert in Data Science program is designed to meet the growing demand by providing participants with the knowledge and skills they need to become experts in data science. Participants will learn academic theory and practical business applications of key concepts to inform business decisions.

  • Develop a strong foundation in a variety of instruments, procedures, methods, and programming to grasp the details of data science.

  • Provide in-demand skills used by professional data scientists, including databases, data visualization, statistical analysis, predictive modeling, and machine learning algorithms.

  • Prepare participants to derive insights from data sets, interpret and communicate findings, and make data-driven decisions that drive business outcomes.
  • Obtain a comprehensive and top-level understanding of the fundamental concepts and methods of data science, which includes data management, data analysis, machine learning, and statistical learning.

  • Gain practical knowledge of the core material and its application in various fields like business, government, and law.

  • Learn how to design new studies using big data and data science tools, and develop a thorough understanding of the key issues involved in designing new data science studies.
    9 days over 3 months
  • Product Managers, Project Managers, Marketing Managers, and others in managerial positions seeking deeper actionable insights for decision-making.

  • Director, CEO, CTO, CIO, Vice President, Founder, and General Managers interested in improving their organization’s use of data science.

  • Executives seeking an introduction and practical experience in Data Science.

Upon completing the program, you will earn a certificate as a:

Certified Expert in Data Science

  • On Campus (In-Person)
  • Live-Online


50% before program starts
40% during program sessions
10% before program ends

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