To many, the most challenging and complex imperative for government and public sector leaders at all levels is how to recognize and maximize opportunities for meeting citizen expectations in a way that builds trust and confidence in government. Citizens of a nation expect the government and public sector organizations to find solutions to every social, economic, environmental, and political problem and reliably perform “day-to-day” tasks effectively and efficiently. Citizen expectations for high-performance government are on the rise at a time when budgets and timelines shrink, leaving government leaders struggling to deliver results.

To overcome these pressures, government leaders and executives in public sector organizations must embrace the concept of innovation and its associated management tools and practices. Having the proper knowledge and competencies in innovation helps deliver results that build and maintain citizens’ trust and confidence in the government and its organizations.

Government and Public Sector Innovation is a learned mindset and process entailing a shift in thinking: a disciplined approach enforced by robust, flexible, and creative leadership is rare. Consequently, government leaders are missing the opportunity to exercise innovative leadership to improve government performance.

  • Understand the unique opportunities for and barriers to government and public sector innovation.
  • Identify best practices for promoting a culture of innovation in government and its agencies.
  • Outline an approach to creating a more innovative government and public sector.
  • Develop an innovation leadership canvas to lead their organizations, departments, or agencies.
  • Understand how executives in the government and public sector can create an innovation culture.
  • Be able to identify, and develop strategies to manage, the core challenges to promoting innovation in government and public sector
  • Analyze and discuss critical case studies of government and public sector organizations.
  • Develop and implement an innovation project in the workplace.
  • Outline an approach to creating a more innovative government and public sector.
  • Develop an innovation leadership canvas to lead their organizations, departments, or agencies.
  • Understand how executives in the government and public sector can create an innovation culture.
  • Be able to identify, and develop strategies to manage, the core challenges to promoting innovation in government and public sector
  • Analyze and discuss critical case studies of government and public sector organizations.
  • Develop and implement an innovation project in the workplace.
  • Develop the skills to build an innovation culture in a government department, unit, ministry, agency, or organization.
  • Identify the new role of innovation management in the government and public sector.
  • Improve the ability to use the tools and models to innovate in the workplace, citizen service delivery, and experience space.
  • Develop a deep understanding of innovation leadership and be able to apply lessons on the job.
  • Become more confident in borrowing successful practices from the private sector and applying them in the government and public sector.
  • Work with professionals from different backgrounds to enhance innovative design and delivery knowledge in the government and public sector.
  • Government and public sector top/middle management concerned with high performance.
  • Government service design and delivery, implementation of processes, and policy development.
  • Those seeking to improve government and public sector effectiveness through innovation management.
    9 days over 3 months

Upon completing the program, you will earn a certificate as a:

Certified Public Sector Innovation Professional Certificate

  • On Campus (In-Person)
  • Live-Online


50% before program starts
40% during program sessions
10% before program ends

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